Cu2+ quantum magnets



B. Thielemann, Ch. Rüegg, H.M. Rønnow, A.M. Läuchli, J.S. Caux, B. Normand, D. Biner, K.W. Krämer, H.U. Güdel,
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Ch. Rüegg, K. Kiefer, B. Thielemann, D.F. McMorrow, V. Zapf, B. Normand, M.B. Zvonarev, P. Bouillot, C. Kollath, T. Giamarchi, S. Capponi, D. Poilblanc, D. Biner, and K. Krämer
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P. Merchant, B. Normand, K.W. Krämer, M. Boehm, D.F. McMorrow, and Ch. Rüegg
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S. Ward, P. Bouillot, C. Kollath, T. Giamarchi, K.P. Schmidt, B. Normand, K.W. Krämer, D. Biner, R. Bewley, T. Guidi, M. Boehm, D.F. McMorrow, and Ch. Rüegg
Bound states and field-polarized Haldane modes in a quantum spin ladder
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DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.177202. arXiv:1609.00198v1