X-ray powder diffraction

The STOE StadiP consists of two independent diffractometers with transmission (Debye-Scherrer) and reflection (Bragg-Brentano) geometry. It uses monochromated
Cu K
a1 radiation, is operated by WinXPow software, and has access to the powder diffraction data base (PDF2).
Diffraction data are analyzed by the Rietveld method using the fullprof software.
Transmission measurements require a small amount of material (~5 mg) and work well for weakly absorbing samples.
Reflection measurements require about 150 mg of material and can be done for strongly absorbing samples.

Si (111) monochromator
Sample holders: capillary or thin film
Detectors: Mythen linear Si-detector
(15° 2q) for best resolution (0.01° 2q) or
image plate (180° 2
q) for one shot measurements

High temperature setup with graphite tube furnace for capillary
from RT to 950°C
Low temperature setup with Oxford cryostream for capillary
from 90 K to RT

2 (101) monochromator
Sample holders: standard powder or zero-matrix quartz
Linear position sensitive detector (6° 2
q) with best resolution (0.01° 2q)

Fully motorized j-rotation xy-translation stage for crystal orientation